I thought I would list my podcasts that I currently am listening to & hopefully hear from a few of you on ideas of things to add. Here goes:
- Cornerstone Simi Audio podcasts - Francis Chan
- Desiring God Radio - John Piper
- Mars Hill Bible Church - Rob Bell
- Walk in the Word - James MacDonald
- The Dave Ramsey Show - Dave Ramsey
Piper is my favorite teacher - followed closely by James MacDonald. However, Francis Chan is quickly becoming one of my favs. I wish I could find the time view his video podcast, but its hard to concentrate on the driving when its playing on the iPod. I typically listen to my pcs on my commute back and forth from the church (only 10 miles one way).
I would welcome anyone's suggestions on podcasts - I really enjoy keeping my mind focused on Christ.
So, I must comment on coffee before I wrap this up. But let me ask you, do you have any idols of the heart? What?!?! Idols of the heart. You might not even realize that you have an idol. But let me give you a clue on how to discover your own idol. You discover your idol when you really want something and when you don't get it, you get angry... or frustrated... or disgusted.
Like... like, well, like last Tuesday. Last Tuesday I got up early to get around for the day and was making my coffee. I have this great pot that brews single mugs of joe. These little filters usually do a wonderful job in the process of making coffee. However, last Tuesday I was trying to get the mug made and clean up at the same time when the bottom of the filter broke open... dropping all the grounds into my mug. Umm... can you say "loud sigh!!"?? Not that big of a deal, because I would just run it back through another filter, right? Well, that was the plan... until that filter broke. At this point I went from frustrated to mad.
And God poked me in the chest...
And I just kind of was like, "C'mon God, I haven't even had my caffeine yet and you want to deal with me on my idols?? Seriously, let me have my java first and then deal with me!!!" Well, needless to say, God was dealing with me - and still is - about this idol called caffeine.
I want to put Him first, even before coffee... did you ever think you'd hear me say that?