Saturday, September 30, 2006

Today I worked on a booth. It is something that I built so that I could direct people's attention to our upcoming STORM event. (STORM is a Word of Life teen evangelistic event) God has blessed by having the people in our church supply much of the food that is needed & the drivers needed to go out and get the teens. This event takes place on October 11 (Wednesday) - and I would appreciate your prayers for it. We are bringing in a WOL IMPACT team & a special speaker - so that ought to be fun too!

Anyway, the booth looks really good. I was just going to make it out of 2x4's and plywood...
painting it with spray paint. However, I found some naugahide (sp?) material - kind of looks like fake leather - that I placed around the plywood, pulling it tight, making it appear to really be 'high-class'. To the sides I attached this material with furniture tacks, which gives it a classic look. The top of the 'counter' was made from some left over material I had from some bathroom work we had done. It came out pretty good! It took most of the day to finish it - so I was glad to be done & have it placed properly in the church's foyer.

We had a real breezy storm work its way through this afternoon. The wind blew harder than it has in a long while. I could watch the front move in from the west - with the wind changing directions back & forth rapidly. I turned the radio on to WRSW 107.3 fm, but nothing was happening, because they were still playing the Notre Dame v. Purdue game. Within about 1/2 hour or so, the storm blew completely over and now it is quite calm.

This coming Thursday I am having some major tooth work done. Last Thursday I had a tooth break. I don't understand the Lord's timing in all of this. My wife & I are heading to Indy on Sunday for a NANC (National Association of Nouthetic Counselors) conference on Counseling the Attributes of God. So, I guess I will just have to 'cowboy up' while in Indy and wait for Thursday's appt. The estimated cost for the work is just over $15oo... and we will see how God provides for that. All total they (the dental staff) told me that I needed an additional $1000 work done after this initial appt. I do know that this needs to be done, but wonder how God will provide. He always does - and I trust what He has disclosed in Matthew 6.

I am looking forward to the Lord's Day tomorrow... today as I worked in my garage I played 90.9 fm the whole time. It was like a 'pre-worship' day to Sunday. God is good all the time.

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