Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Who Shall Dwell on Your Holy Hill? Part 1

Ps.15:1-5 - A Psalm of David
O LORD, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill?
He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart;
who does not slander with his tongue and does no evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend;
in whose eyes a vile person is despised, but who honors those who fear the LORD; who swears to his own hurt and does not change;
who does not put out his money at interest and does not take a bribe against the innocent, He who does these things shall never be moved.

Today I will attempt to embark on a several part blog about this Psalm. I think that there are ten - maybe eleven - requirements for entrance to the Lord's "tent" or the privilege to dwell on his holy hill. Today we will look at one. This is prayerfully a short devotional series designe to encourage those who are 'pressing on the upward way'. My prayer is that through your study of God's Word that you will find yourself moving ever closer to entering the Lord's "tent".

Requirement #1: walk blamelessly.
There are several reasons why one should walk blamelessly before the Lord. Proverbs (28)states that the blameless will be delivered and (Psalm 89) those that walk uprightly will experience that no good thing will be with-held from them. Ephesians 1 indicates that God has elected us to be holy and blameless, and this He did before the foundations of the world. The Apostle Paul's driving desire was to have a blameless conscience before men and God (Acts 24). Our lives, as lived blamelessly and with integrity, will contrast the evil generation in which we live (Philippians 2). We are to be diligent to live blamelessly, so that Christ will find us without spot or blemish and in peace at His appearing (2 Peter 3). The body of believers, the church is also to be known and characterized by being blameless (Ephesians 5:27). We rest in the sovereign fact that we cannot do this in our own strength and that God will cause us to stand before Him blameless some day (Jude).
But what does it mean to be "blameless"? This word has the idea of: being complete. It refers to animals which are without blemish; also translated as such related adjectives as full, whole, upright, perfect. it represents the divine standard for man's attainment. (Thanks to the Theological Wordbook of the OT.) It's a goal. It's a realization that I am spotted by the world. How do you get rid of spots? With my shirts I have to launder them. With my sins I do the same. Ephesians is clear, we are cleansed by Christ through the washing of water with the Word.
So you begin to understand what cleanliness / blamelessness is by understanding what the word does in relation to your spots / sin. Then you proactively begin to move in a direction that ensures that you will stay spotless / blameless by constant washing in the Word. It is a way of life governed by the word of God that will allow me to walk blamelessly. Then I will know that I am well on my way to being able to dwell on the Holy Hill of our LORD.
Let me know what you think.
Today's java was Costa Rica - Gevalia and then here at the office: Folgers. Ewww. I can't complain - it is java. God bless,

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