Last night was "date night". A quick check of the movie listings online confirmed my suspicions that there wasn't much to go see. Until, I saw: IronMan. Now, I am not a sci-fi guy, nor am I a superheroes guy, but neither have I seen a movie in a long time! So, as my wife asked my what we might be doing on this special occasion, I suggested, "IronMan". A weak smile was the only response. I reassured her that we would catch something to eat...somewhere. I was again surprised by the cost of a movie ticket: $7.50 (x2) and the 'required' movie snacks: popcorn & sodas, in a combo, $11.25. Outrageous. The theater was full - which also goes to prove my assertions that people really aren't deciding whether they should buy gas or buy food. (that's another topic).
The movie started - and I must say that I was very pleased with it, almost in it's entirety. The movie, rated PG-13, could have easily been PG if they had left out one gratuitous bed scene (partial nudity) and about 3 'curse' words. Those small factors are the only things I have 'against' this movie. It was pure entertainment and did not disappoint. Even for a guy who isn't really into this stuff - I kept trying to anticipate what would happen - and was surprised at almost every turn. I enjoyed it... and so did my wife.
Oh, and lest you think I got cheap on the meal - we went out to AppleBees afterward. Of course, we used a gift card someone graciously gave us. Overall cost of the date was: $26.25, with the $25 gift card totally covering our meal. She had chicken alfredo, I had the smaller portion of the riblets. We both brought leftovers home (probably due to eating all that popcorn at the theater).
Summary: If you have a chance to see IronMan, do so. If you miss it, it would be a great flick to pick up on DVD. Don't sweat it if you miss it, although it was pretty cool to see on the big screen. About 3.5 out of 5 stars. And, if fate should allow that you have a gift card for AppleBees in your wallet when you see the movie - try the riblets, they're delicious.
1 comment:
The theater was full - which also goes to prove my assertions that people really aren't deciding whether they should buy gas or buy food
Indeed. :)
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