Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wispy Weekend Whispers

Just a couple of random happenings:
This morning I am consuming my favorite Gevalia coffee: Mocha Java. I have brewed it strong and have added just the right amount of creamer. It is wonderful. I am drinking it out of my Caribou Coffee mug that I bought while away on our anniversary weekend. I first discovered Caribou Coffee in Tinley Park, IL where my folks lived. Every time I would visit them I had to get the Mocha from Caribou. One of the few downsides of living in a rural area is that there aren't near as many coffee shops as necessary to sustain life. I bought the mug because I firmly believe that drinking coffee is an experience, not just a vice. (self-justification alert) I explained to my wife that every time I drink from the Caribou Coffee mug I think of our anniversary weekend and the time spent together. The same holds true for my Starbucks mug - (purchased in Seattle while on a missions trip to Ron & Susan Hand's hospitality house to the military). I think of them every time I drink from it. I bought a NYPD mug this last weekend as we were in New York for our teen camp. I'll always remember the guys I took out to NY and the good times we had traveling back and forth. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.
Last night we were invited spontaneously to play tennis with friends, Dan & Lindsey. What an awesome time we had! I had not played tennis since 1991 - and probably only played 2 or 3 times in my life. It was great exercise and a lot of fun. I think we are planning on doing more of this in the future. Of course, afterwards we had to get some sweet tea from McDonalds. I think I finally fell into bed around midnight.
This morning I read of Christ's willingness to heal the leper. I often wonder why Christ didn't heal everyone he came into contact with. The same is true with salvation. He, offered to the world, is not accepted by all. But as one who has been touched by His work on the cross, I offer my thanks and gratitude. May your life also be touched by the healing hand of Jesus!

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